Monday, January 16, 2012

ADD...Sort of...

I have a confession.

I have career ADD.

Those of you who know me will laugh, because I really have changed my mind a thousand times. I'm excited for the degree I'm currently pursuing, but I'm already thinking beyond that. The reason I got my A.A., and am now pursuing a career for which I need an A.A.S., is because I want to do so many things in this life. I used to think I would get a Master's or Doctorate in whatever (it's been a million different things since childhood)...but I realized that I have so many diverse interests, it would be foolish to limit myself too much.

The other thing? I LOVE school. Absolutely adore being a student. I'm only slightly looking forward to having the summer off (phase two of my program doesn't begin until the fall semester, as many Allied health programs are apt). I would take more classes just for fun this semester, but I've already taken so many credits that my school has limited the amount of financial aid I have left (for the record, this makes sense from a financial standpoint, but pisses me off from a scholarly one).

I'll finish this degree, and hopefully be able to get a job in my field fairly quickly after graduation. After a few years though, I know I'll be itching for my next career conquest.

I look forward to constant change and freshness. I want to make a big difference in this world, and I am confident that I will--even if that just means for a few people--or a few million.

The future is mine.