Thursday, September 29, 2011

Environmental Conservation #1

I have a deep passion for the protection of our natural resources. I've taken Environmental Sociology, Environmental Conservation, and have done research and presentations for some of my other classes regarding various environmental topics. I'm going to share a tip here and there regarding things we can all do to help the cause. Some of this will be old news to some, but there may be novel concepts as well here and there.

Let's start with the basics. The energy it takes to produce one aluminum can is equal to the amount it takes to power a TV for three hours. Many states, including Iowa, give a redemption refund. Instead of throwing cans away, turn them in, give them to the neighbor kid, donate them to a school, etc. Simple step, comes with a personal reward, and saves landfill space while conserving energy. As Michael Scott would say, "win, win, win."

Please feel free to share this link and pass this information along. It is the responsibility of every human being that breathes the air, drinks the water, eats the food grown in the ground, enjoys the shade, appreciates the flowers, and so on and on and on, to do their part to protect Mother Earth.


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