Monday, September 5, 2011

Hello, Dalai!

"My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness." --The Dalai Lama

This isn't really a theological debate...although I may venture into that territory someday if I'm feeling squirrely. 
This is simply a one human being beseeching other human beings to be gentle with one another. You never know what people are going through. We all know someone who may come off as grouchy, hard to get along with, or just plain irritable. The thing is, we have no way of knowing if they're trying to be difficult, or if there's an actual reason (or several) for their behavior. If you show others kindness and consideration, and they still snap at you, at least you know you're being the best person you can be. And isn't that worth something?

So, I'm giving myself a challenge, and I propose that you try it as well. This week, extend compassion to at least one other person every day. There are countless ways to accomplish this: holding a door for someone who has their hands full, letting someone who seems to be in a hurry take your place in line at the store, calling someone you haven't spoken to in awhile and checking in, visiting a lonely neighbor, and so on. I try to be kind most of the time, but the point is to be more aware of it for awhile, so that it becomes more of a second nature. I am a true believer in karma, and I believe you get back what you put out there in the universe. However, if you do so with selfish intentions--karma knows. Practice being kind for the sake of kindness, and see how it enriches your life. I'll report back with some reflections on my quest to be a kinder, more compassionate human being. I hope you'll do the same.

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