Saturday, September 3, 2011

"Eye" Wonder...

"If everyone took an eye for an eye, the whole world would be blind"

While stopped at a red light the other day, I saw that on a bumper sticker on the car ahead of me. Now that's something to think about. Sometimes, I know I can get a little caught up in my desire for vindication when it comes to certain situations. But I've been reminded lately that you really do have to choose your battles. If you don't, you'll go crazy. It's not worth the stress. I have more important things to do--we all do. I should mention, however, that this theory does not apply to college football. Now, it's been nice writing this quick little snippet of a thought, dear reader, but I have to go watch the Iowa game. GO HAWKS!!!


  1. Before vindication and revenge you have to stop and think, "Do they really matter in my life?" I let a lot of things go now....

  2. Right. Unfortunately for me lately that means I've had to cut a few ties that "should" matter, but in the end, some people just cause more harm than good--they're toxic. My family is my main concern, and school--and I have too much going on to worry about those who want to bring negativity into my life!
